"Awakening the shaman within"


A Shamanic Breathwork Ceremony is a deeply transformative inner journey; A journey that invites you to discover the inherent wisdom and inner truth we all carry.


We all have an inner Shaman and Healer that can be brought to life through conscious breathing.


A ceremony begins by creating a safe and loving space through incense, connecting with the elements of nature, through the sound and frequency of a drum, where the traveler is invited to call upon guides, power animals and protectors.

The traveler lies on a comfortable mat with an eye mask and is guided to connect with the circular breathing (constant inhalation and exhalation), to let go of control and surrender to the music composed to take the subconscious on a journey up through the chakras.

The circular breathing triggers the body's own production of DMT (hallucinogen), which creates a dream-like state and an increased awareness.
The ego's defense mechanisms dissolve, and deep realizations and insights can be experienced.
DMT is said to heal body and mind.

Each journey with Shamanic Breathwork is completely unique; no two journeys are the same. The traveler can move through universes of magic and spiritual insights, to the meeting of shadow sides and trauma.
Deep patterns of addiction and abuse can be released from the body and psyche when withhold sadness, anger and fear are released.


Shamanic Breathwork was developed by Linda Starwolf – Venus Rising Association for Transformation. Her message is that light and darkness are the same. They exist by virtue of each other. If we integrate both parts, we create balance and wholeness.

The path of life is a spiral, a dance between light and darkness. A spiral we move up and down. We will always have a dark side. The shadow side is what we suppress in ourselves. It therefore consists of our unused potential and creativity, our projections, and traumas.

I facilitate Shamanic Breathwork journeys 1:1 and for groups. In larger groups, the participants take turns traveling with a participant - co-journeyer - by their side. I hold the space and support both the travelers and those who are co-journeyers.


Important: contraindications in connection with Shamanic Breathwork are pregnancy, heart problems or serious psychological and emotional challenges. If you are in doubt, contact your doctor before registering.

Your body is your first home:

"Breathing in, I arrive in my body.

Breathing out, I am home."

-Thich Nhat Hanh