Aromatouch is a healing massage with essential oils.
You get a massage with 8-10 different oils on your back and the soles of your feet, which provides a grounding of your session.
The oils will open your senses and support your body and mind to delve into a deep and gentle process giving you more peace and balance.
The frequency of the oils will support your process through their scent and through the contact with your skin.
The fragrance of the oils creates a direct contact to the limbic system, which unfolds past memories and blockages.
My healing supports and enhances the qualities of the oils and I convey the messages that I receive from your body and your energy fields during the session.
I also use singing bowls and other sound instruments intuitively in your session.
It is a deep process that releases emotional layers and creates insight into your patterns and your life story.
Self-care in a unique way.